Tuesday, July 12, 2011

My 1st Body Step Class!

I need to write about something incredible happened today! :D

I DID IT!!!!!!!!!!

Reebok Stepper

I had my first LesMills Body Step class today 6-7p.m at Louisa Ladies. Our usual instructor is on holidays for 3 weeks. Since there is no one to take over his class which is twice per week, then I had to jump in. I looked at it as a golden opportunity. It is not often that gym accepted non-certified instructor to conduct a class, not to mention 2 classses per week!

OMG! I was so stressed because I want it to be perfect. huhuhu I think part of it because I have to do the class in french. Would it be different if it's in english? I dunno. But at least english words are easier to pronounce than french words. Imagine saying 'derrière' instead of 'back', 'avancez' instead of 'forward'.

Gahhh!! Anyway, the scripts are part of the experience. I've made mental note to not do lotsa bla bla. You know when you are nervous, and you tend to blabbing about, then you start to become a sappy person. So I would say to myself 'Stop, Shazrina'. LOL

This time I had my microphone intact. I borrowed the gym's mic belt.

Track 1-3:
The first 3 tracks were the warm-ups and they followed after one another. No break there. It was great. I managed to do all my important script and movements. I was scared of the first transition which is from Step Touch to 4-Marches on the Step, but I aced it :D.
But at the end of track 3 I saw a girl did a Turn Step, and I kinda followed whereas it's not the time yet. It's suppose to be Double Squats. So we had more Turn Steps than we supposed to do huhuhuhu

Track 4:
I aced track 4 because I did this track twice already. :D Yay!!!! The participants did it very well too. Double Yay!!!!

Track 5-6:
Track 5 is recovery from track 4. I aced this too because it's just a simple Cha-Cha-Cha and Squat. I love Squats :-)
As much as I like track 6 because this is the peak cardio number 2, I'm scared of the first Across The Top which is 2 time 'low' then explode. Again, due to lotsa energy, I kinda speed things up and did it too early. I managed to do the Across The Top at the good side, and ends up well :D
More practice on these tracks!

Track 7:
Still in high energy from track 6, this track has slow lunges. I need to remind myself 'Go slow, Shazrina'. This is what I told the class, 'Breathe, it's time to recover' (in french of course :p) Most important in this track is that the classes did the lunges correctly.

Track 8 and 9:
Party time!!!!!
I aced Dummer Boy track!!!! I can't believe it. This track has wierd combination of Leg Curls and Chachacha. But I was cool by this time, listen to the music hehehehe But I panicked a bit because when I told the class to do the quater turn, then I just realized I forgot to give them instructions at the beginning. But then I checked the newbies and they are OK. As sign of apology, I keep on telling the class that the option is to stay at the center :/
Note to self: Dummer boy - Do instructional script
Hanky Panky was relaxed too. And my class can follow the 2-straddles and put on their styles :D

Track 10:
I must say other than track 6, I'm scared of this track. This is peak cardio number 6. I love this part in ALL Body Step. I aced the transition to 4-knees. Yay!!!
But again I kinda suck at Over The Top (OTT) transition, where I KNOW that I need to do 'low' 2 sides before explode to 'high' OTT. Nevertheless, I managed to cover it up, and also to cover up the straddle after that. Because you see, if you end up on the incorrect side of the step, your straddle would go bezerk!
Not to self: Master the 'low' OTT transition

Track 11:
This is the track with lunges with 5kg BodyPump weight. I think here I need to coach the class on their legs. Yesterday I focused on their triceps. Next time, check their lunges (in french it's called Fente hehehe). And I aced the plank with leg lift :D I saw some with high butts. Need to coach them to lower their butts

Track 12:
This is cooldown-stretching. But this time I'm already at ease (well who doesn't, I survived!!!). Coach them a bit and right on cue.

The class seems to enjoy it and by the look on their red faces, we did a good job :D

WWoooo!!!! I'm breathless just by writing this post.. LOL
I had only comments from 1 girl who did Body Step for about 7 years. She said that I need to anticipate the next movement clearly. But otherwise she said she cannot believe that I did the class very well.
Gaaahhh!!! I'm all over the moon.

Of course now that I've reflected everything, I need to work harder. I want it to be perfect. :D
Now that I'm thinking my next class is next Thursday, I start to have butterflies and all sorts of insect feeling in my gut. Huhuhuhu
Anyway, practice practice practice!

I wish that I have recorded myself to share with everyone. Maybe next time :D

I'm thankful to the gym and to the participants who giving me the chance to 'experiment' new thing in my life. Of course to my colleagues who have to endure my Body Step stress. Also my Amour who patiently apologizing to the downstairs neighbour of the noise I've been making for practicing in the living room LOL :p

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