Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Happy New Year 2012

It's that time again!!!! Woohoooo!!!

Here's my resolutions for 2012, not in any particular order (More like goals):
1. Get my pro-fitness instructor certificate
2. Make peace with driving license
3. Meet in person members of BSB and NKOTB!
4. Meet as many celebs as I can (I wanted to tell them in person how their musics and effort means to me)
5. Get a "good job Shaz" at my new job (gonna start in mid-jan)
6. Make new friends and spread the love to old and new ones
7. Participate in at least 2 runs (Brussels Ladies 9km and Brussels 20km Run)
8. Continue living healthy
9. Visit my parents
10. Love my husband more than last year

This is the list that I have posted on someone's comments on Facebook.
I know that there are a lot of things on that list, but I am optimistic that I can do them all. I seems like I will have a busy 2012. But I guess every year I am busy. As we are on the 6th of January now, I made a mental note of one more item to be added into the list. I just thought about it this morning, and as it approaches mid-day, my need to resolve this item this year grows more and more.

As I writing this, I still have the butterfly in my stomach as to the new things that I will be doing this year. Why do I put myself into this? Well, if there won't be any new things to do, my life won't be right. Hahahaha....

What else new.. Oh! I got my first stitches this year.. Yeah, already!! Hahahaha
So I schedule a surgery to remove a blister-like thing on my right big toe, 2 days ago. After the surgery, I looked and saw the stitches! Arrkkk... Not panicking.. Stay cool. The doctor said it was a cyst and need to send to lab for an exam. Hookaayy...
So there I was with my stitches. Bouhouhou!

Of course it will take longer to heal. So no sports for me, no Bodystep. Oh great (NOT!) I will miss the launching of BS86.. Bouuhhhh!!!

I will try to drive in few days time and see how it goes. I'm already so pysched to go drive to work (you all know about me and my driving stories). And with a bobo on my toe.. Isk.. Stay cool and keep breathing hahahaha

So all the best for 2012 my friends... For I will need all my bestest this year!!!!!

Hugs and Kisses!

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